Full Home Inspection:
Site Drainage • Structure Damaging Vegetation • Driveway & Walkway Inspection • Steps & Door Inspection • Deck, Patio, Porch, and Balcony Inspection • Retaining Wall Inspection • Window & Siding Inspection • Roofing (with Chimney, Vent Stack, and Gutter) Inspection • Outside & Inside Foundation Inspection • Attic Inspection • Electrical Inspection • Plumbing, Water Heater, and Sump Pump Inspection • Well & Septic Inspection • HVAC (Including Heating & Air Conditioning) Inspection • Bathrooms Inspection • Kitchen & Appliance Inspection • Laundry Inspection • Interior Rooms Inspection • Fireplace Catagory I Inspection • Garage Inspection
Inspecting for Apparent Moisture, Mold, and Wood Destroying Organisms Throughout.
Thermal imaging with an infrared camera can provide valuable information about moisture, energy loss, electrical overloads, and even wood destroying organisms in homes and buildings.
Everyone Else Is Just Looking Around®

I encourage you to attend the inspection. If you can’t, at least be there for the end. My unique software allows me to show you defects on site, to help you with your purchase and negotiation. A full detailed report with 100+ illustrations is emailed in a PDF, usually the same day, or at least the very next. Nuances of your home are identified with maintenance tips and upgrade suggestions provided. The summary will point out defects but the body of the report serves as a guide to your home. You will know the house.

Licensed Termite and Pest Inspector
Only licensed termite inspectors can perform the inspection and sign the NPMA-33 form required by FHA, VA, HUD, and other mortgage lenders.
Termite License #’s:
New York: T3903493
New Jersey: 62666B

Licensed Radon Measurement Technician
Providing testing, result interpretation, and mitigation recommendations.
Radon License #: MET14043

Affordable annual check-ups for your home. A perfect follow-up to your initial inspection to support the systems of the home that were identified as defective or marginally defective. It’s the best way to track minor problems and keep them from escalating into expensive repairs.

A Move-In Certified™ home has been pre-inspected, which means that the seller can confirm that there are no major systems in need of immediate repair or replacement, and no known safety hazards. Show prospective buyers that you are dealing in good faith, avoid last-minute negotiations and delays, and justify your full asking price by having your home pre-inspected. The logo on the left can be displayed in your home following the pre-inspection.
OverSeeIt inspectors offer the following services:
• Project and contractor oversight
• New-construction phase inspections
• Final walk-through inspections
• Annual inspections for home and commercial property owners
• Investor consulting
• Pre-Listing Seller Inspections
• Foreclosure inspections
• Insurance inspections

If you purchased a new home, your builder typically provides you with a one year warranty. The 11th-month inspection helps identify any problem that your builder can correct while your home is still covered under that warranty.